Workshops & Seminars

I offer workshops and seminars designed to deepen authentic connection, interpersonal understanding, and sexual well-being. These programs integrate cutting-edge scientific research, evidence-based meditation techniques, and contemplative traditions to foster emotional intimacy, communication, and a positive approach to sexuality.

My workshops and seminars are grounded in my own research, as well as a broader body of scientific literature, complemented by insights and practical experience from contemplative traditions, positive psychology, and coaching.

Depending on the specific workshop, participants will:
* Cultivate Authentic Connection – Develop deeper, more meaningful relationships through mindfulness-based interpersonal exercises.
* Enhance Emotional & Physical Well-Being – Explore the science behind self-awareness, decision-making, and connection.
* Rethink and Foster Sexual Well-Being– Build a healthy, positive understanding of sexual well-being as an integral part of human flourishing, and learn about approaches to improving it.

If you’re interested in bringing a science-backed, open-minded, and transformative approach to connection and sexual well-being into your personal or professional environment, feel free to reach out for more information.

Picture: Daniel Burke