I provide workshops and seminars for private clients, companies, and organizations.
Drawing upon scientific theory, evidence-based practices, and elements from contemplative traditions such as meditation or yoga, my programs are designed to help you achieve effective goal-pursuit, cultivate self-compassion, foster authentic connections, and enhance overall well-being.
During these trainings, I combine cutting-edge scientific knowledge with practical exercises, creating a dynamic and interactive learning experience. Whether you’re looking to boost employee performance, enhance personal well-being, or improve team dynamics, my programs are tailored to meet your unique needs and objectives.
Examples of existing programs include:
- Connecting with Presence: A Workshop on Authentic Connection
- Mastering Emotion Regulation: Tools and Techniques for Emotional Well-Being
- Beyond Positive Thinking: The Power of Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions (MCII) for Goal Attainment
- Achieving Success Without Sacrificing Your Well-Being: The Science of Harmonious Willpower
My workshops can be customized to meet your needs and delivered in various formats, such as a 2-3 hour sessions, lunch lectures, or a comprehensive 1-2 day event, depending on the level of detail and engagement desired. They can be conducted either in-person or virtually.
If you’re interested in learning more, please contact me for further information.